
3 Holiday Foods that Are Not Good for Teeth

It really is the most wonderful time of the year, but not so much for your teeth and gums, especially if you like to indulge in all of those holiday buffet goodies. While those starchy, sticky, sweet, and acidic foods taste good, they don’t do much for your waistline, or your teeth and gums.



According to your family dentist in Delray Beach, holiday goodies can wreck havoc on your teeth.

Watching what you eat during the holidays and watching those holiday foods will keep you out of the dentists chair before your next scheduled appointment.


Below are a few foods to try to resist during the holidays.

Starchy Holiday Foods

Cakes, cookies, bread and other holiday foods may be delicious but they are not good for teeth. Dr. George Sanchez explains that starchy holiday foods convert to sugar and acid and will eat away at the enamel on your teeth. Even worse, pretzels, potato chips, and your grandmother’s favorite rum cake will stick to the crevices in the back of your teeth. If you must indulge, rinse after and don’t forget to brush when you can.

Sticky Holiday Foods

You may love the dried fruit platter that your best friend sends you every Christmas, but those dried apricots, mangos, pineapples, dates and figs are just as bad as the high calorie variety. While dried fruit may be a better option for your diet, it isn’t good for your teeth. The same can be said about caramels, saltwater taffy, and any other sticky foods. Sticky foods stick to your teeth and are nearly impossible to remove without brushing. Sticky foods can also damage dental restorations.

Hard Candy Ruthless on Teeth

You may look forward to biting into a candy cane once Thanksgiving is over, but rest assured, you could damage your teeth. Candy canes, butterscotch and other hard holiday candies are loaded with sugar. If you suck on a hard candy, you are literally giving your teeth a sugar bath. On top of that, if you bite too hard you could crack a tooth.

While all holiday foods are good in moderation, some should be avoided all together. If you do enjoy rinse and brush after to avoid any unnecessary trips to your dentist in Delray Beach.

Happy Holidays from Dr. George and his team from your Delray Beach dental office.


Cosmetic Dental Bonding Just in Time for Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year with invitations to parties and events for the rest of 2019. However, not everyone is so thrilled about Christmas and New Year, especially if a smile is getting in the way.


The first thing people notice when you walk into a room is your smile. If you don’t have one, you probably aren’t that excited about holiday parties. Twenty years ago, there wasn’t much you could do about your grin in a week or two, but these days you can have a new smile in a single dental appointment with cosmetic dental bonding.

What is Tooth Bonding?

According to your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist, cosmetic dental bonding repairs chips and cracks, and can be used to fill teeth. Made from tooth colored dental resin, the bonding material is matched to the rest of your smile before being applied to the tooth or teeth. Bonding can even be used to make teeth longer or to fill a small space between teeth.

Does Dental Bonding Look Natural?

Thanks to modern dental technology dental resin looks just as natural as your own teeth as it mimics the light the way your teeth do. While bonding is not as strong as porcelain veneers it is not permanent and can be reversed if necessary.

With proper oral hygiene, dental bonding can last a decade or more. Bonding is also less expensive than porcelain veneers and does not require multiple dental visits.

What is Dental Bonding Used For?

Your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach explains that cosmetic dental bonding can be used for a multitude of things including small fillings, inlays, and onlays. Cosmetic dental bonding is also used to restore cracked and chipped teeth and to fill small spaces. Dr. George Sanchez even uses cosmetic dental bonding to make teeth longer.

You really can have a beautiful smile just in time for your next holiday party. Call your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist for more information today.