
Tooth Colored Fillings versus Silver Amalgam

If you have a mouthful of old silver, talk to your dentist in Delray Beach about tooth colored fillings. Composite or white colored fillings won’t compromise your teeth and are just healthier all the way around.

Dr. George Sanchez and his dental practice in Delray Beach practice mercury free dentistry. That means all dental restorations are made using biocompatible materials that are not toxic.

Silver Amalgam Fillings Do No Favors

While both the FDA and the ADA deem silver amalgam fillings as safe, there is a concern as broken fillings leak. Leaky fillings release mercury. Silver amalgam fillings contain about 50 percent mercury along with silver and other materials.

Mercury fillings may also release vapor when you chew. This could lead to muscle aches, anxiety and a number of other problems directly related to mercury exposure.

Because silver amalgam fillings contract and expand when exposed to temperature changes it makes fillings more susceptible to breakage.

One of the biggest issues with amalgam is that decay can still enter the healthy part of the tooth. As a result, the same tooth could be hiding additional cavities.

Tooth Colored Fillings Instead of Amalgam

Silver amalgam fillings require some removal of the healthy tooth because the tooth needs to fit the filling.

Tooth colored fillings are just the opposite because the dental resin is soft making it easy to fill the clean and dry cavity. In addition, dentists using silver amalgam may have to add a crown to make the tooth strong.

Tooth colored fillings are matched to the rest of your smile. That means you and your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach will be the only ones who know you have had cavities.

Tooth colored fillings are made from a variety of biocompatible materials including dental resin, polymers, glass and porcelain. These materials shine just like your natural teeth and are completely healthy for your mouth and your body.

Mercury Free Dentistry in Delray Beach

Dr. George chooses mercury free dentistry because he cares about his patients and because he realizes that many people have issues with silver amalgam fillings. Tooth colored fillings eliminate the problems that come with metal-based restorations giving you a healthier and more attractive smile.

Tooth Colored Fillings Consultation

If you are concerned about your old silver restorations, call or send a text to your dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George believes in mercury free dentistry and can make your teeth healthier. Call for an appointment today.


Invisalign Straighten Your Teeth Without Wires

If you have been thinking about straightening your teeth but would rather not deal with conventional braces you are in luck. Your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach is licensed to provide you with the best invisible system for straightening teeth and that system is Invisalign.

While there are a few clear plastic aligner companies around, none is like Invisalign. The clear system for tooth straightening and has been around since 1997 making it one of the oldest and best tooth straightening systems on the planet.

Invisalign Provider Delray Beach

Dr. George Sanchez is a licensed provider of Invisalign. Dr. George has helped hundreds of patients straighten their teeth with a series of clear plastic aligner’s custom made for each person.

Scheduling a Consultation is the First Step

If you are considering clear braces, the first thing you need to do is schedule a consultation with your Invisalign provider in Delray Beach.

During your scheduled appointment, Dr. George will determine if Invisalign is a good fit for you and your issues.

Clear aligners straighten poor tooth positioning, bite issues, and can close small gaps between teeth. If your problems are too severe, conventional wires and brackets may be a better option.

The Process

If you are a good fit, the team will take x-rays for your aligners. With Invisalign, there is no need for goopy impressions.

You will also have digital pictures taken that are sent to the lab for an animated presentation. This gives you and Dr. George the opportunity to see what your smile looks like before your Invisalign treatment begins.

When your aligners are ready, the team will fit your first set of aligners and send you home with the rest. You’ll be prescribed between 11 and 31 sets of aligners which you swap out every 7 to 14 days.

You will wear your aligners for 22 hours every day. You only take your braces out when you eat, drink, brush, and floss.

Because the system is so simple, you will only need to see Dr. George every six weeks to make sure everything is going to plan.

How it Works

Your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach explains that clear braces gently moves teeth into the desired position. Unlike conventional wires and brackets, there is no pushing and pulling during adjustments as there are no adjustments.

You will begin to see results in about 6 months with most people seeing the final reveal in 12 to 18 months.

The Invisalign Difference

If you would like to learn more about clear braces, call and schedule a no obligation consultation with your Invisalign provider and his team in Delray Beach today.