
Dental Technology for Almost Pain Free Dentistry

Technology has changed most industries, but especially the medical field. Today’s dental technology allows dentists to eliminate tooth decay using laser dentistry.

This means no more pain, no more smell, and no more anxiety. However, laser dentistry isn’t all you will find when you schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental.

21st Century Dental Technology

Your dentist in Delray Beach prides himself on offering his patients the best and most innovative dental technology available. You are in good hands when you become a patient and a member of the Dr. George Dental family.

The minute you walk through the door you will be greeted with a smile, as you won’t have to lumber through pages of paperwork.

Completed online before your scheduled appointment your Dr. George Sanchez and his team believe in good old-fashioned customer service with a 21st century twist.

Your Comfort is Top Priority

When it comes to comfort, you are Dr. George Dental’s priority. Using the latest dental technology the team is able to provide you and your family with high quality dental treatments that are virtually pain free.

Hard and Soft Laser Tissue Dental Technology

Hard and soft tissue laser dentistry is used for a number of treatments including tooth decay and gum disease. Laser dentistry is also less invasive cutting down healing time.

Because lasers are able to sterilize and seal off blood vessels at the same time, there is very little blood after treatment. Because of its efficiency, there is rarely any infection either.

Laser dentistry allows your dentist in Delray Beach to both seal blood vessels and nerve endings at the same time. In other words, he is able to treat tissue and teeth simultaneously. This means less stress on your gums reducing bleeding and inflammation.

Dental Technology in Delray Beach

If you are in search of a dentist in Delray Beach, look no further than Dr. George Dental. It’s the family dental practice that is ready for 21st century dental technology and beyond.

Call and schedule a dental appointment for you and your family today.


A Dazzling Smile Makeover in Delray Beach

If you have been considering a spring makeover for your body, why not consider one for your mouth as well. A smile makeover helps restore confidence and is good for your teeth and gums.

Is Everyone a Good Candidate for a Smile Makeover?

All patients needs healthy teeth and gums before going ahead with any type of cosmetic procedure.

You must be free from tooth decay and gum disease if you want to proceed with your smile makeover.

Good Oral Hygiene is the Key

Dr. George Sanchez explains that there is a connection between gum disease and the rest of your body. The connection is inflammation. Gum disease is swelling of your mouth tissue. Food debris, bacteria, and acid are notorious for causing plaque and tartar.

If you aren’t practicing good oral hygiene, you are putting yourself in the high-risk category for gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease.

If you follow Dr. George’s dental blog, you will know that gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults.

Brushing twice, flossing once a day, and seeing your Delray Beach dentist will go along when it comes to gum disease prevention.

Why You Get Gum Disease

According to your dentist in Delray Beach gum disease stems from a variety of reasons, but the main culprit is poor oral hygiene.

If you aren’t brushing twice and flossing once a day you run the risk of gingivitis. If you don’t treat your gingivitis, it will eventually convert to periodontal disease and that is where the real problems begin.

Gum Disease Controlled When Diagnosed Early

While gingivitis is easily controlled with good oral hygiene, including regular checkups and professional cleanings, periodontal disease is not.

If your gum disease has advanced to periodontitis your dentist in Delray Beach can control it, but will never be able to cure it, at least not yet anyway, as there is no known cure.

Dr. George will recommend root planing and scaling and may prescribe medications to heal the infection.

Conventional and laser surgery are often used to help control periodontal disease as well. Once your gums have healed you can continue with your smile makeover as planned.

What Happens During a Smile Makeover?

During your mouth makeover, your Delray Beach Dentist will check your bite and TMJ joints to make sure they are all working as they should.

If your TMJ and bite get the all clear, x-rays and digital pictures along with impressions are used to come up with the perfect smile makeover for you and your personality. You will be amazed at how different you will feel after a smile makeover in Delray Beach.

Smile Makeover Recommendations:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Cosmetic Dental Crowns
  • Professional Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Onlays
  • Inlays
  • Clear Braces
  • Dental Implants
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding
  • Enamel Shaping

A Smile Makeover for a Healthy Smile

A healthy smile starts with healthy teeth and gums. Call and schedule a comprehensive dental checkup with Dr. George Sanchez and his team. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel when you do.

Call for a dental checkup in Delray Beach today.