
Holiday Foods to Watch Out For

It’s that time of the year again. Lots of parties and lots of holiday foods that you shouldn’t be eating. But, hey, it’s the holidays so why not enjoy right?

While the holidays are meant to enjoy the good things in life, those good things aren’t always the best for your teeth. In fact, some can be downright dangerous.

Not So Great Holiday Foods for Teeth

Dr. George Dental understands the temptations are hard to resist, but when you do, you’ll be rewarded with fewer dental visits in the New Year.

Holiday Foods and Chewy Yummies

Gummy bears and other chewy candy will have a tendency to rip the restorations straight out of the tooth. In addition, they are loaded with sugar much like most holiday foods.

If not damaging your fillings or crowns, they are remaining between teeth eating away at the enamel.

Dr. George Sanchez recommends that you avoid gummies, salt water taffy and other soft chewy candies that don’t look safe. This includes those oh so trendy sour chewy rainbow strips in your favorite flavors.

Dried Fruit and Holiday Foods

That dried fruit that your favorite client sends you every year isn’t the best option for your teeth. Dried mangos, apricots, figs and dates are delicious, but best these holiday foods are best enjoyed in moderation.

Dried fruit will stick to the backs of your teeth eroding away the enamel. Unless you are able to rinse with water right away your teeth will pay the price.

Your dentist in Delray Beach recommends eating your favorite dried fruit as part of a meal to avoid tooth and restoration damage.

Spritz Acidic Holiday Drinks

Your favorite spritzy mixer is not the best option for teeth. Red Bull, Champagne and cranberry juice may be your favorite beverage during the holidays, but it isn’t the safest option for teeth.

Soda, energy drinks and sports drinks are loaded with sugar as is the cranberry juice. Unless you are making your own juice from the berry there will always be additional sugar.

The acid in the drinks eats away at the enamel on your teeth as well making soda, energy and sports drinks double trouble for teeth and gums.

Great Treats for Teeth

Instead of chewy candy and dried fruit try munching on carrot sticks and celery. Enjoy sweet and savory dips and you’ll barely miss bad holiday foods for teeth.

Drink water or diluted fruit juices instead of soda, energy and sports drinks for healthy teeth.

If you drink water resist the urge to overdo it with the citrus slices as citrus damages teeth.

If you would like to learn more about the holidays and healthy teeth, schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental today.




Do Your Teeth Make it Hard to Smile?

Your smile says everything about you. From mood to overall confidence it’s easy to tell if someone isn’t happy with his or her smile.

Even if the issue isn’t obvious to the rest of the world, it can still cause problems for self-esteem. If you don’t smile you won’t look happy.

Happy people look content from the inside out. Furthermore, studies show that even fake smiles boost endorphin levels. However, if your teeth and gums make it impossible to put on a fake smile, it’s time to see your dentist in Delray Beach.

A Smile Helps Your Mood

According to Dr. George Sanchez having a smile that isn’t so perfect will eventually put you in a sour mood not to mention how it feels physically and emotionally.

From the minute you get up in the morning to the moment you lay down at night missing, cracked and chipped teeth will play on your mind, especially if they are causing pain and discomfort.

A Caring Dentist for Your Smile

Dr. George and his team are caring professionals who practice preventive dentistry. Preventive dentistry means regular dental checkups and excellent oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene is brushing AND flossing. If you are lax about either one your teeth and gums will suffer for it.

Your Dental Appointment

During your dental appointment talk to your dentist in Delray Beach about preventive dentistry and your oral hygiene routine.

It’s always a good idea to revisit your flossing and brushing skills with Dr. George as you may not be as good at it as you used to be.

As well as natural and prescription medications talk your dentist in Delray Beach about your eating habits.

Share meal and snack selections and don’t forget to include what you drink. If your teeth are stained it could have something to do with your passion for coffee and red wine.

Recommendations from your Cosmetic Dentist

Once your Delray Beach dentist has completed his examination the two of you will go over your options for restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry or both.

Depending on how much of a change your smile needs to go through to be healthy those options could be anything from a complete mouth makeover to dental implants. It really comes down what your smile looks like now.

If you want to love your smile again call or send a direct message and talk to Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.