
No More Chronic Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath has plagued people all over the world, but it doesn’t have to be chronic if you practice good oral hygiene.

According to Dr. George Dental, oral hygiene is the number one reason people suffer from chronic bad breath and sadly it can lead to other problems including lost teeth.

Chronic Bad Breath and Gum Disease

Periodontitis, the more serious form of gum disease, causes all sorts of health problems and complications, and yes, chronic bad breath.

Some of these include diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Dementia and pregnancy issues are also linked to gum disease.

An infection of the tissues that support your teeth, gingivitis and periodontal disease are caused by plaque buildup.

Plaque is caused from food particles and bacteria and is that sticky film that is left on your teeth if you don’t brush. You’ll also wake up with plaque in the morning which is why brushing when you get up is vital.

For some gum disease is the body’s reaction to bacteria and too much inflammation. For others, gum disease is the result of poor oral hygiene.

The plaque in your gums also travels to other parts of the body through your bloodstream leading some to believe this is the cause of heart disease and stroke.

Problems Caused from Gum Disease Include:

  • Heart Attack and Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

Preventing Bad Breath and Periodontitis

You can improve your overall health by taking care of your oral health with good habits that you practice for life.

Dr. George Sanchez explains that brushing twice; flossing once a day along with regular dental checkups and a healthy diet will greatly reduce your chance of gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease. You’ll also have less change of chronic bad breath.

Start your day by brushing for two minutes with a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Follow brushing with flossing with dental floss or an interdental brush. Complete your daily habits with an antibacterial mouth rinse to fight daily bacteria.

Regular dental checkups are the most important part of good oral hygiene. Firstly, they help prevent problems from getting more serious. Secondly, regular dental checkups can help prevent more serious issues such as oral cancer.

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening in Delray Beach helps prevent oral cancer. In fact, early detection has helped millions of people live cancer free lives just because they had regular dental checkups.

Scheduling comprehensive dental checkups with regular oral cancer screenings help you live a healthier life free from chronic bad breath as well.

If you haven’t seen the dentist and suffer from chronic bad breath, call or send a text and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.


Dental Implants the Real Deal

If you are tired of feeling that space at the back of your mouth or looking at the gap in the front of your smile call and talk to your Delray Beach dentist about dental implants.

The most remarkable missing tooth replacement has only gotten better with age and is the perfect solution for nearly everyone.

Dental Implants in Delray Beach

Dental Implants are the best replacement for missing teeth. Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach has the experience and knowledge to recommend the best type of dental implant for your needs.

For example, if you are only missing one tooth, a single dental implant is the logical choice if you are searching for a permanent replacement.

On the other hand, if you have multiple missing teeth and want to remove the additional teeth permanent dentures or all on fours could be the answer.

Not having teeth to chew your food is not only a nuisance but also damaging to your health. Dr. George Sanchez explains that not being able to eat properly affects nutrition. Furthermore, it can cause serious issues with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

The only way to avoid the problems that come with missing teeth is to replace them.

Missing Tooth Replacements

While dentures, partial dentures and bridges replace missing teeth, none is as good as dental implants. Because dental implants attach themselves to the jawbone they act as tooth roots.

While it may seem impossible it is a phenomenon known as osseointegration. This process can never happen with dental bridges or dentures.

With dentures and bridges you will continue to lose bone. This is what makes the face sink in aging someone by at least 10 years.

Dental Implants Make You Younger

While dental implants don’t technically make you any younger they will make you look and feel younger.

For that reason this type of tooth replacement is by far superior to anything else you will find from your local dentist.

Dr. George and his team in Delray Beach will be able to determine if you and your mouth are a good fit. While most people qualify and will live with them for life others may face implant rejection.

Implant rejection can happen if you smoke or suffer from certain types of systemic diseases. Only your dentist will be able to determine if you and implants are fit for life.

Dental Implants in Delray Beach

If you would like to learn more about dental implants, call or schedule a direct message for more information for George Sanchez D.D.S. in Delray Beach today.