
Clear Plastic Aligners Be Choosy

If you have been toying with the idea of clear plastic aligners for teeth straightening talk to Dr. George Dental. Having a dentist by your side during treatment time is essential if you want your results to be positive.

If you follow this dental blog in Delray Beach you will recall the dangers of mail order or online braces hopefully steering clear of the temptation opting for Invisalign® instead.

Online Plastic Aligners Not a Good Idea

If you haven’t been following this blog and want a quick summary, removable mail order or online braces are not monitored by a dentist.

This could cause serious complications for your teeth and jawbone growth. In addition not all people are suitable for removable aligners.

With mail order aligners everyone is a candidate making them incredibly unsafe for all concerned. Moreover, there is no dentist to visit every six weeks to check on your progress.

Prescription Clear Plastic Aligners

Dr. George Sanchez is licensed to provide patients with prescription clear plastic aligners to straighten teeth. Invisalign® has been around for decades and is the the Gold Standard when it comes to removable clear braces.

Straight Teeth More Than Esthetic

While you may think the only advantage of straight teeth is looks there are other reasons to use clear plastic aligners from Invisalign for crooked teeth.

Your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist explains that straight teeth are easier to maintain, brush and floss.

Crooked teeth are difficult to brush and floss. This means decay and bacteria have no problem getting into your teeth and gums.

Straight teeth mean healthy teeth and gums because you can keep them cleaner. You will also find it easier to eat and enjoy the foods that you love.

When teeth are too close together, overlap or are too far apart bacteria will thrive loving every minute of your not so perfect smile. When teeth are too close you are also at risk for inflammation and gum disease.


While Invisalign® is the perfect solution for most it is up to Dr. George to decide. As previously mentioned not all people are good fits for clear plastic aligners.

People with severe cross or over bites or large gaps between teeth may do better with conventional wires and brackets.

In addition those who are less diligent may not be suitable as Invisalign® needs to be worn 22 hours every day. The only time the clear plastic aligners are removed is when you eat, drink, brush and floss.

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign® call or send a direct message and talk to Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.




Sedation Dentistry if You Just Can’t

If you or someone you know is deathly afraid of the dentist it is time to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Delray Beach for sedation dentistry.

For decades Dr. George Dental has helped people like you overcome dental anxiety with simple solutions that work for everyone.

Sedation Dentistry for Dental Anxiety

For some the thought of having someone so close to their face is a deal breaker. Those same people have foregone necessary dental checkups just because of dental fear.

These patients and others who just can’t stand anyone in their space love sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is a life saver and teeth and gum saver as well.

Avoiding the dentist causes all sorts of issues for teeth and gums. For instance, if you have a toothache and let it go because of dental fear it will get worse. Obviously decay and disease won’t magically heal themselves. This is where sedation dentistry comes in.

Regardless of your level of dental anxiety, Dr. George Sanchez and his team have a solution. From laughing gas to IV dental sedation for dental surgeries and multiple procedures during the same appointment you can’t go wrong when you become a patient of Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach.

No Judgement with Dental Sedation

One of the biggest fears people have when they see the dentist is judgement. You will never experience this type of treatment from any team member when it comes to you Delray Beach dentist.

Even if you haven’t been to the dentist in decades you will feel the compassion and dedication when you become a patient of this family dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George Dental just wants to get your teeth and gums healthy and could care less what they look like during your first visit and initial dental consultation.

Decay and Disease

When it comes to tooth decay and gum disease it is imperative that it is taken care of as quickly as possible. Early dental treatment prevents large fillings, dental crowns and intensive periodontal therapy.

Scheduling regular dental appointments means you are less likely to need fillings and gum disease treatment because you are practicing proactive and preventive dentistry.

Delray Beach Sedation Dentistry

Don’t wait until you can’t stand the pain. Call and schedule a sedation dentistry appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today. Your teeth and gums will thank you for it.

Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.