
Tooth Grinding and Silver Amalgam Fillings

Did you know that tooth grinding, even occasionally while under stress, can cause serious problems for your teeth and your old silver amalgam fillings?

What’s worse is that tooth grinding also causes issues for your dental restorations, especially if those restorations are silver amalgam.

Silver Amalgam Fillings and Mercury

If you follow this dental blog you will know that Dr. George Dental is a dental practice in Delray Beach that only offers mercury free dentistry.

What that means for you and your family is healthier teeth and gums and a heathier body.

Dr. George Sanchez is a mercury free dentist who will not take chances with the health and wellbeing of you and your family teeth and gums.

While some argue that silver amalgam fillings are completely fine and safe for teeth others do not agree. Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach is one of those dental practices that doesn’t. Moreover, Dr. Sanchez is totally mercury free.

Silver Amalgam Fillings can be Toxic

Mercury is not used much at all these days, except when it comes to dental fillings. Those old thermometers were pulled from the market long ago because of the poisonous mercury that told you how hot or cold it was.

Christmas bulbs that bubbled mercury and other mercury filled items are long gone as well, but again, not silver amalgam fillings.

The FDA and ADA both agree that silver amalgam fillings are not toxic and fine for teeth, but those who know the truth have a different opinion on the matter.

Dr. George explains that when a filling contracts and expands, which mercury fillings do, the material will not be sealed to the tooth.

In addition, if a filling cracks or chips or becomes loose at the seal, leaks occur as well. Moreover silver fillings won’t protect the tooth from further decay.

White Fillings are Better for Teeth

The best way to avoid any potential contact is to get rid of your silver amalgam fillings. Have them removed and replace them with biodegradable restorations matched to the rest of the tooth. Dr. George and his team have the equipment and experience to safely remove your dental restorations.

After removing the dental restorations your teeth are filled with a beautiful and safe alternative that is matched to the rest of your smile.

Of course if Dr. George discovers that you are grinding your teeth more than you should an oral appliance may be recommended to help protect your new dental fillings and any other restorations.

Silver Amalgam Fillings Be Gone

If you still have your old restorations or grind your teeth schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental. Your teeth will be thanking you for it for the rest of your life.

Send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.


Tooth Whitening Make it Professional

Tooth whitening is nothing to mess around with. According to your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist, overdoing teeth bleaching could cause serious issues which could be permanent.

These days anyone can purchase professional products online but that doesn’t mean they should.

That is why professional tooth whitening is the only thing you should consider when it comes to lightening your smile.

Skip the Mail Order Bleaching

Social media feeds are filled with brands touting excellent results from mail order whitening kits.

With that being said, those bleaching kits online could make your teeth sensitive. Dr. George Sanchez explains that those mail order whitening kits could also make your teeth look blue or even see through. Sadly, those problematic issues could be permanent.

The only way to avoid mishaps with over the counter and mail order bleaching kits is to schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach.

KoR Professional Teeth Whitening

Dr. George Sanchez is a preferred KoR whitening provider and has been lightening teeth for decades.

Your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist prefers KoR because it works on both exterior and interior stains. That is something that other professional tooth whitening products are not able to do.

Is Professional Tooth Whitening for Everyone?

While most people with natural teeth are excellent candidates for KoR professional teeth whitening those who have restorations, for example porcelain veneers and dental crowns are not ideal for teeth whitening.

This is because artificial teeth cannot be whitened with any type of bleaching product, not even professional teeth whitening products.

If you have restorations that have seen better days, talk to Dr. George Dental. Dr. George will be able to examine your teeth and restorations to determine the best course of action for your new smile. That course of action could be new veneers or cosmetic dental crowns.

KoR Professional Teeth Whitening works on interior stains, something that those over the counter polishes, gels, pastes, strips and rinses aren’t able to do. Most other professional bleaching systems aren’t able to brighten intrinsic stains either, but KoR is.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Tooth Whitening

If you are having other types of cosmetic dentistry along with tooth whitening, for example, veneers or crowns, your dentist will lighten your teeth first so that your restorations will match your new smile.

Whiter teeth will make you smile. Call and schedule an appointment for professional tooth whitening in Delray Beach today.

Your smile will thank you for it. Send a direct message and schedule your bleaching appointment today.