
Make the best decision with Invisalign®

Wouldn’t be great if you didn’t have to deal with wires and brackets? Well now you don’t have to. With clear removable aligners in Delray Beach you can have straighter teeth without the hassle of conventional braces. Straighter teeth with Invisalign®.

Invisalign® the choice for a beautiful smile

Having a straighter smile is easy when you become a patient of Dr. George Dental. This cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach is amazing when it comes to all things dental, especially cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. George Dental is mercury free. That means all of your restorations will be safe and color matched to the rest of your smile. You will never have to worry about a metal line if you are having a dental crown placed. In addition, you won’t have to worry about inferior clear removable aligners.

While there are several brands on the market none have been around for as long as Invisalign®. Moreover, the entire treatment is monitored by Dr. George Sanchez and his dental team.

Other Brands Won’t Cut It

If you follow this dental blog you will remember that clear removable aligners are available without a prescription.

Without a prescription you won’t be monitored by a dentist. As you can imagine this won’t do your teeth and gums very much good.

Dr. Sanchez explains that attempting tooth straightening at home with DIY clear braces you buy online may do permanent damage.

Stick to prescription clear braces such as Invisalign®. Invisalign® is a safe and effective system that has been around for decades. People have trusted this tooth straightening system for years because it really works.

Invisalign® in Delray Beach

When you schedule a no obligation Invisalign® consultation in Delray Beach your teeth, gums and chewing system are examined. After a thorough exam Dr. George will take digital pictures before sending them to the computer.

The images are then sent to the Invisalign® lab for manufacture. As you can see this is a much more effective and precise way to measure you for clear plastic braces.

Depending on your prescription your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist may order 11 to 31 sets of Invisalign® aligners.

You will only take out your braces when you eat and brush your teeth. That means you will wear your aligners for 22 hours every day. This is extremely important if you want your treatment to go according to the plan.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like a no obligation Invisalign® consultation, direct message and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.


A Cosmetic Dentist Will Do Wonders

If your teeth aren’t doing you any favors it’s time to call a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach. Dr. George Dental has the tools you need to get your smile back on track. 

A cosmetic dentist will evaluate your smile to determine what types of restorative or cosmetic dentistry treatments would be best for you and your teeth and gums.

Cosmetic Dentistry Always an Option

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the best ways to boost your confidence. However, cosmetic dentistry also keeps teeth and gums healthy. Actually, any type of cosmetic or restorative dentistry is good for both oral and overall health.

If you follow the Dr. George Dental Blog you will recall that crooked, chipped and missing teeth cause problems for other teeth.

Those problems include crowding. If your teeth are crowded it makes it nearly impossible to brush. If you can’t brush and floss properly you will have a breeding ground for tooth decay and gum disease.

Overall and Oral Health

In addition to crowding, your body could suffer consequences as well. Studies show a link between gum disease and overall health. As previously mentioned plaque and tartar is an issue when it comes to a failing smile.

According to Dr. George Sanchez gum disease is prevalent in people with heart and lung diseases.

Because plaque and tartar flow through the bloodstream, thanks to pockets between teeth and gums, it attaches itself to the walls of your veins eventually making its way to the heart.

When this occurs it is a recipe for disaster. That disaster could be a heart attack or stroke.

The best way to avoid health problems is to visit your Delray Beach dentist at least once a year. If you have periodontal issues Dr. George will most likely recommend at least two or even three or four visits for professional cleanings.

Oral Health and a Cosmetic Dentist

As you can see being mouth healthy is vital when it comes to all things dental. Once you are healthy you and your cosmetic dentist will be able to come up with a detailed dental plan that will help you get to where you need to be when it comes to oral and overall health.

A cosmetic dentist does wonders for oral and overall health, but that’s not all. In addition giving yourself the gift of health you are also doing wonders for your emotional and mental health. Being able to smile boosts your confidence which is an excellent way to raise your spirits.

Learn More from a Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to learn more from a cosmetic dentist, send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.