
Chronic Bad Breath is Embarrassing for Everyone

Your Delray Beach dentist understands how embarrassing chronic bad breath can be for both the person suffering and the person who has to endure it.
A number of things cause chronic bad breath, with gum disease being number one on the list.

Gum Disease and Chronic Bad Breath


Dr. George Sanchez explains that left over food particles convert to plaque, and just like food that is left out overnight, will begin to smell. Decomposing food stuck in your teeth is never pleasant and will eventually cause gum disease.

Bad oral hygiene is the main culprit when it comes to gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease. If you are slack about brushing twice and flossing once a day, you are, number one, probably suffering from chronic halitosis, and, number two, dealing with gum disease.

Chronic Bad Breath Could Be a Sign

A dental checkup is the quickest way to determine if gum disease is the reason for your bad breath. Dr. George will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums, and if you are given a clean bill of health, will probably recommend an appointment with your doctor as your chronic bad breath could be something else entirely.

According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic halitosis could be a sign of a metabolic disorder or even cancer. GERD or gastroesphageal reflux disease could also be the reason people are running away when you open your mouth.

Dry mouth, certain medications, smoking, and certain types of food can also cause bad breath. Mouth sores, tonsillitis, and bad sinuses also increase your risk. If your child has chronic bad breath, it could be from something stuck in their nose.

Schedule an Appointment to Be Sure

Chronic bad breath is serious. Schedule an appointment with your dentist in Delray Beach who can determine if your teeth and gums play a role in your halitosis.

Call for an appointment today.


Dental Bridges When Implants Aren’t An Option

Although dental implants are the strongest replacement for missing teeth, not everyone is a good candidate.

According to your Delray Beach Dentist, Dr. George Sanchez, some people may require surgery, and although it is an option, some patients just don’t want to undergo a sinus lift or bone grafting. Thankfully, there are options for missing teeth, such as dental bridges, that don’t require surgery.

Dental Bridges for Missing Teeth


Dr. George explains that a restorative dental bridge literally bridges the gaps left by the missing tooth.

Referred to as a pontic by the professionals, a dental bridge is kept in place by the teeth that lie on either side of the missing tooth. These are called abutment teeth. Pontics, or artificial teeth, are manufactured from gold, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal.

While there are four types of dental bridges, tradition, Maryland, cantilever, and implant support dental bridges, traditional dental bridges are the most common.

Why You Need Dental Bridges for Missing Teeth

Missing teeth affect the way you eat and how you talk. Missing teeth can also alter the shape of your face. Even a single lost tooth can change your bite and the way you smile. Your remaining teeth will also adjust to the missing space affecting your bite. This could cause problems with your jaw joints.

If you have a missing tooth, you probably are not getting the proper nutrition you need either. Because it’s tough to eat nutritious foods, such as a healthy salad or a juicy steak, you will not be getting the vitamins and minerals you need. If you have a missing tooth or teeth when was the last time you enjoyed a Granny Smith?

There is Always a Solution for Missing Teeth

Missing teeth cause problems for remaining teeth and gums. A lost tooth can also cause issues for the rest of your body, but there is always a solution. Whether you are the perfect candidate for dental implants, or would prefer a dental bridge, Dr. George and his team are ready to transform your smile.

If you would like more information regarding dental bridges or dental implants for missing teeth, call or click and schedule a no obligation consultation with Dr. George Sanchez.

Your dentist in Delray Beach is ready to make you smile again. Call for a no obligation consultation today.


3 Things to Avoid for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Healthy teeth and gums start with good oral hygiene habits. Those oral hygiene habits include brushing twice, flossing once each day and regular dental checkups with your dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George Sanchez explains that if you practice healthy oral habits you are well on your way to a beautiful smile. However, what most people tend to forget is that diet plays a huge role in the health of your teeth and gums.

Not All Healthy Foods are Healthy for Teeth and Gums

Dried Fruit and Teeth and Gums


According to your Delray Beach dentist, that trail mix and bag of dried fruit may have helped your waistline, but your teeth are probably paying the price. Dried fruit is loaded with sugar and is sticky.

Those dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and other delicious dried fruits are stuck between your teeth making it impossible to remove.

If you snack on dried fruit at your desk all day without brushing or rinsing, your teeth and gums will pay the price.

Teeth and Gums Don’t Like Energy and Sports Drinks

As Dr. Sanchez explains, energy and sports drinks contain as much sugar as a can of soda. Sipping on sports and energy drinks all day, especially through a straw, is like soaking your teeth in a sugar bath. Energy and sports drinks are also carbonated. Teeth and gums aren’t a fan of carbonation, as the acid will eat away at the enamel on your teeth.

Instead of sports and energy drinks, opt for water. It’s better for you all the way around, especially when you consider the research that has been uncovered about the dangers of energy drinks.

Citrus Fruit and Teeth and Gums

Who doesn’t love a delicious juicy orange? While loaded with Vitamin C, oranges, limes, kiwi fruit, grapefruit, tangerines, and lemons are very acidic.

If you love your fresh fruit, enjoy as part of a larger meal. If you do eat it on its own, be sure to rinse thoroughly after enjoying. The same is true for fruit juice. Even if you are making your own juices, keep the citrus to a minimum.

If you would like more information regarding unhealthy and healthy foods for teeth and gums call now.

Your Delray Beach dentist is waiting for your call. Make it today.


A Beautiful Deserving Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry will change your life. Dr George Sanchez believes that everyone deserves a beautiful smile providing patients and potential ones with cosmetic dental procedures that everyone can afford.


From professional tooth whitening to porcelain veneers and dental implants, your dentist in Delray Beach is committed to your pearly whites. Consequently, you come out a winner.

You Don’t Have to Spend Your Life Savings On Cosmetic Dentistry

When you schedule an appointment with your Delray Beach dentist, all of your options will be discussed to determine how much you can and can’t afford. Thanks to today’s materials, cosmetic dentistry isn’t as expensive as it used to be. In addition, Dr. Sanchez makes it easy with affordable financing that won’t hurt your budget.

A Short Consultation Cosmetic Dentistry Constulation is All it Takes

Scheduling a short 10-minute chat with Dr. Sanchez allows you to discuss your dental wishes. You can also ask questions about the cosmetic dentistry procedure or treatments that you are considering.

Do some research before your appointment so that you can let Dr. George know what you would like your new smile to look like. During your short consultation, you can also schedule a full comprehensive dental examination that includes dental x-rays and also a 90-minute visit.

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

If you are trying to save money on your smile, porcelain veneers may not be your best option. If your teeth are stained a deep cleaning or professional tooth whitening session may be all you may need.

For a chipped or cracked smile, Dr. George recommends cosmetic dental bonding for those on a budget. Although bonding won’t last as long as veneers, it will give you a natural and healthy smile.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

If you would like to learn more about affordable dental solutions, call and schedule a 10-minute consultation with your dentist in Delray Beach. Your smile is your calling card; make sure yours is a good one.

Call for a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. George Sanchez today.


Beautiful Teeth and Gums are Rarely Natural

When you see your favorite celebrities on television and in magazines, you are probably impressed by their teeth and gums and their beautiful white and bright smile.


While some may have been born with those pearly whites, most have had some sort of cosmetic dental work.

From professional tooth whitening, the most popular cosmetic dental procedure on the planet, to porcelain veneers and dental implants, regular people just like you are opting for cosmetic dentistry to boost their confidence and self-esteem. Dr. George Sanchez is a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach who can give you healthy teeth and gums and a beautiful Hollywood Smile.

My Teeth and Gums are Horrible and Can’t Be Fixed

Your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach has seen all sorts of smiles. Not only broken, crooked and stained teeth, but also bleeding gums and missing teeth. Every smile can be repaired. It just takes a talented dental team to do the work.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. George and his team, your teeth and gums will be examined to determine what procedures would be best. If you have unhealthy teeth and gums, you’ll need to take care of those issues first if you are hoping for cosmetic dentistry.

What Procedures Would Dr. George Recommend for Teeth and Gums?

Every patient is different. That big Julie Roberts smile that you admire probably won’t suit your small and petite frame. Dr. George will help you find the perfect smile for your face shape, your teeth and gums and your personality.

If your teeth are in good shape but just need a bit of TLC, Dr. George may recommend professional tooth whitening. If you have chipped or crooked teeth, cosmetic dental bonding is a great option if you don’t want a permanent procedure such as porcelain veneers.

A beautiful smile is a phone call away. Call and schedule a no obligation consultation with your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist today.

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Professional Tooth Whitening Might Not Be Enough

If your smile isn’t as bright as it used to be, professional tooth whitening could be the answer. Professional tooth whitening can lighten your teeth up to ten shades, however, if you have dental restorations, such as porcelain veneers, no amount of whitening product will get them any brighter. People who try to whiten their restorations are just wasting money.

Tooth Whitening Won’t Work on Restorations

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Unfortunately, some people have spent hundreds of dollars on over the counter tooth whitening products because they were not informed that those products wouldn’t work on porcelain veneers or tooth colored fillings. Those strips, gels, pastes, and trays will not work on dental implants, inlays, onlays, crowns or cosmetic dental bonding either.

Repair Your Restorations for a New Smile

Restoration repair is the best way to give you your smile back. Porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and dental bonding will not last forever. Even artificial teeth on dental implants will not last for the rest of your life.

If your restorations are starting to look a bit dingy or they have cracks or chips, it is time to schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach. Dr. George Sanchez will recommend either a repair or replacement depending on the extent of the damage.

Porcelain Veneers Instead of Bonding

If you have cosmetic dental bonding, it can be replaced, or you can opt for porcelain veneers instead. Porcelain veneers are stronger than cosmetic bonding and last longer as well, but you must practice good oral hygiene habits. Dr. Sanchez is a preferred porcelain veneers provider who will determine if you and veneers are a good fit. Just be aware that unlike cosmetic dental bonding, porcelain veneers are permanent.

For the best looking smile, you can’t go past your dentist in Delray Beach. Call or click for a no obligation tooth whitening or cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Sanchez today.


Eating and Drinking for Healthy Teeth and Gums

What you put in your mouth plays a huge roll in your dental health, and although most people know that sugar is bad for teeth, there are some so-called good foods and beverages that can be just as dangerous to your oral health.

Your dentist in Delray Beach recommends avoiding these four foods for healthy teeth and gums.

Sports Energy Drinks Soda and Teeth and Gums


Instead of grabbing an energy or sports drink when you leave the gym, opt for a bottle of water instead. Especially if you care about your teeth and gums. According to Dr. George Sanchez, those energy and sports drinks are loaded with sugar. On top of that, the carbonation is extremely acidic. If you like your soda, you should consider switching as well.

Carbonated drinks encourage your mouth to produce more acid from plaque. If you sip on a can of soda all day, you are literally coating your teeth in acid. If that isn’t bad enough, carbonated soda makes you produce less saliva and can stain your teeth.

Starchy Foods and Teeth and Gums

If you want healthy teeth and gums, cut out bread, pretzels, potato chips, and anything else that contains starch because when you chew starchy foods, the saliva turns into sugar. That gummy pasty substance, known as plaque, will stick between your teeth causing tooth decay. If you are craving carbohydrates, go for whole wheat, which contains less sugar and is less refined.

Citrus Fruits and Teeth and Gums

You may be doing your waistline a favor by consuming tangerines, grapefruits, oranges and Kiwi fruit, but those acidic fruits will damage your teeth. Even tomatoes can cause decay. Because the acid erodes the enamel on your teeth, they are more susceptible to dental caries. Even squeezing lemon into your drinking water will add acid. Try enjoying in moderation or consume during mealtime.

Dried Fruit and Teeth and Gums

Another food that claims to be healthy is dried fruit. Dried fruit is loaded with sugar. On top of that, dried apricots, prune, figs and raisins, are sticky. As a result, they cling to your teeth and leave all of that sugar behind converting it to plaque and acid.

If you enjoy dried fruit, rinse, brush, and floss after you eat. Better still, switch to non-citrus fresh fruits, as they contain less sugar and are better for teeth and gums.

For more information regarding healthy habits for teeth and gums, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Delray Beach today.

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A Custom Made Mouthguard or the ER

Spring is here and that means you and your family will be spending more time outdoors and more time playing sports. Because it’s National Facial Protection Month, your Delray Beach Dentist Dr. George Sanchez wants to remind everyone how important a custom made mouth protector is, regardless of what sport you or your kids play.

Why are Mouthguards Important?

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Mouthguards are important because they save you time and money. How is that possible you ask? Because a custom made mouth guard will cost you less than a trip to the emergency room.

Your dentist in Delray Beach explains that mouth guards prevent broken and chipped teeth and can prevent a knocked out tooth. A mouthguard also protects the face, tongue, and lips as it helps to redistribute a knock in the head. Although mouth guards will not prevent you or a family member from having a concussion, the injury will be less severe.

Are All Mouth Guards the Same?

In a word, no, all mouthguards are not the same. Although they are more expensive, custom-made mouthguards from your Delray Beach dentist are comfortable and much easier to wear.

There are three types of mouth guards. Standard, a one size fits all mouth protector, boil and bite, heated in water and molded to your teeth, and custom made mouthguards, custom made to fit by your dentist.

Of the three, custom made mouth guards give the best protection and are most likely to be worn. Unfortunately, standard and even boil and bite are so cumbersome it makes it hard to talk and even breathe. Because of those problems, most people who play sports, “Forget,” to wear their mouth protector.

Custom Made Mouthguards The Best Protection

Keep your family safe and schedule appointments for custom-made mouthguards. Remember, even skateboarders and surfers use mouth protectors. Call and schedule your dental appointments for a custom-made mouth protector from Dr. Sanchez today.


Dental Implants Dentures or a Permanent Bridge

If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, you can choose between dentures, permanent dental bridges, or dental implants. Of course, there is also the option to do nothing at all.

Fix the Problems with Dental Implants for Missing Teeth


According to Dr. George Sanchez, missing teeth cause bone shrinkage, as there is nothing to exercise the area. Your tooth roots act as an exercise of sorts, and if they aren’t there, bone resorption occurs. If you have a missing tooth, it will also cause your other teeth to move and shift. Teeth that are above a missing tooth will often try and, “grow,” into the missing space.

A Permanent Dental Bridge or Dental Implants

Your Delray Beach dentist explains that permanent dental bridges act as a bridge between the two abutment teeth that lie on the side or sides of the missing tooth. Because the fit needs to be perfect, some removal of the natural teeth is needed for the crowns to fit over the two abutment teeth.

Made from porcelain or porcelain to metal, dental bridges, just like any other oral appliance need special care such as a floss threader. Remember, the teeth under the crowns can still become decayed if proper care isn’t taken. With proper oral hygiene, dental bridges can last for 10 to 15 years.


Both partial and removal dentures replace missing teeth. However, unlike dental implants there is no root to implant into the jawbone. Dentures are often uncomfortable and won’t last forever. Unlike dental implants, dentures may need to be replaced every 10 years or even more frequently if you gain or lose weight.

Your dentist in Delray Beach will tell you that because you are missing teeth there is no chance for your bone to exercise, leading to resorption.

Dental Implants

Made from titanium steel, implants are posts that are surgically placed in or on your jawbone. Some patients may require additional surgeries such as a bone graft or sinus lift.

Once the area is healed, which can take from six to 12 months, artificial teeth are placed on the posts. Matched to the rest of your smile, your new dental implants can last for the rest of your life if you are diligent about oral health care.

Replace your missing teeth with a new smile, it’s easy. All you have to do is call your dentist in Delray Beach who can help you determine which procedure is best for you.

Call for a no obligation dental implants consultation with Dr. Sanchez today.

Cosmetic Dentistry Are You Prepared?

Cosmetic dentistry is a great confidence booster. From porcelain veneers to clear braces and professional tooth whitening, these types of procedures will boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. As a result, you’ll be happier.

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According to cosmetic dentist Dr. George Sanchez, being happy with your reflection can even help you win that promotion. Because your smile is beautiful, you exude confidence. However, you can’t just jump into cosmetic dentistry. It takes planning.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Although not formally recognized as a specialty by the American Dental Association, it takes education, skill, and experience to become a cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance of your smile while restorative dentistry restores your smile. Not all procedures are covered by insurance such as porcelain veneers and clear braces.

Why is a Cosmetic Dentist Different?

A good cosmetic dentist needs to keep up with continuing education and new technology. Dr. Sanchez has those skills and can provide you with recommendations that suit your budget and your smile.

Although a general dentist may offer certain types of cosmetic options in his or her list of services make sure you read the about page. You’ll want to see what he or she has done to qualify them as a cosmetic dentist. Equally important is reading or listening to the testimonials.

Can Anyone Have Cosmetic Dentistry?

People with healthy teeth and gums are usually perfect candidates for cosmetic dentistry. If your teeth are cracked, chipped or broken restorative dentistry will be used alongside cosmetic dentistry.

You must be given the all clear for gingivitis or periodontal disease. If Dr. Sanchez detects either you’ll need to be treated before you can proceed with whatever procedure is recommended.

If your smile is nonexistent, call or click and schedule an appointment with your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist. With a new smile, there is no end to the possibilities.

Call for a no obligation cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Sanchez today.