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3 Things to Avoid for Healthy Teeth and Gums


Healthy teeth and gums start with good oral hygiene habits. Those oral hygiene habits include brushing twice, flossing once each day and regular dental checkups with your dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George Sanchez explains that if you practice healthy oral habits you are well on your way to a beautiful smile. However, what most people tend to forget is that diet plays a huge role in the health of your teeth and gums.

Not All Healthy Foods are Healthy for Teeth and Gums

Dried Fruit and Teeth and Gums


According to your Delray Beach dentist, that trail mix and bag of dried fruit may have helped your waistline, but your teeth are probably paying the price. Dried fruit is loaded with sugar and is sticky.

Those dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and other delicious dried fruits are stuck between your teeth making it impossible to remove.

If you snack on dried fruit at your desk all day without brushing or rinsing, your teeth and gums will pay the price.

Teeth and Gums Don’t Like Energy and Sports Drinks

As Dr. Sanchez explains, energy and sports drinks contain as much sugar as a can of soda. Sipping on sports and energy drinks all day, especially through a straw, is like soaking your teeth in a sugar bath. Energy and sports drinks are also carbonated. Teeth and gums aren’t a fan of carbonation, as the acid will eat away at the enamel on your teeth.

Instead of sports and energy drinks, opt for water. It’s better for you all the way around, especially when you consider the research that has been uncovered about the dangers of energy drinks.

Citrus Fruit and Teeth and Gums

Who doesn’t love a delicious juicy orange? While loaded with Vitamin C, oranges, limes, kiwi fruit, grapefruit, tangerines, and lemons are very acidic.

If you love your fresh fruit, enjoy as part of a larger meal. If you do eat it on its own, be sure to rinse thoroughly after enjoying. The same is true for fruit juice. Even if you are making your own juices, keep the citrus to a minimum.

If you would like more information regarding unhealthy and healthy foods for teeth and gums call now.

Your Delray Beach dentist is waiting for your call. Make it today.

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