
You Don’t Need to Suffer from Dental Anxiety

dental_anxiety_dentist_Delray_BeachMost people have a fear of something. In fact, you will find that some sort of anxiety affects even the most confident person, but did you know that millions of people all over the United States suffer from dental anxiety?

According to your dentist in Delray Beach, dental anxiety just makes dental problems worse. If your gums are bleeding and your teeth are aching, a trip to the dentist is the only solution.

If you have gum disease and tooth decay they will not magically disappear on their own.

Why Dental Checkups are Essential

Dental fear is one of the biggest reasons people skip dental checkups. Whether their dental anxiety stems from a past experience or horror stories from family and friends it is real. Sadly, skipped dental appointments mean intensive treatments, especially if you are already in pain.

A toothache, chipped or cracked tooth, or bleeding gums would send most people to the dentist, but not someone who is suffering from dental anxiety. Dental fear is so bad for some that they will wait until the last possible moment to sit in the dentist’s chair.

Don’t Let Dental Anxiety Cause Health Problems

Even if people with dental anxiety are not suffering from bleeding gums or toothaches, dental checkups are essential. Firstly, comprehensive dental checkups reveal overall health issues that may not be apparent. Secondly, comprehensive dental checkups often uncover lesions, bumps, and lumps requiring a biopsy.

According to your Dr. George Sanchez, there is a much higher rate of oral cancer survival if detected in its earliest stages. That makes comprehensive dental examinations very important.

Dental Sedation for Dental Fear

Your Delray Beach dentist offers sedation dentistry for patients suffering from dental anxiety. From oral medication that you take the night before and the morning of your dental appointment to Nitrous Oxide, also called laughing gas, you are looked after when you put your oral care in the hands of Dr. George Sanchez. You will also find all of the comforts of home when you book a dental checkup in Delray Beach.

Dr. George understands how anxious dental treatments make some people and strives to make your visit as comfortable as possible. You will be treated like family the minute you walk through the door and beyond.

Once in the treatment room you will feel calm and rested with pillows and blankets for comfort. When you become a patient of Dr. George, you will not have to worry about dental anxiety.

If you have not seen your dentist in Delray Beach because of dental anxiety, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. George. It really will make a difference to your overall health.

Call and make that dental appointment today.



Why Dental Checkups are So Important

If you haven’t seen your dentist for a while, it’s time to schedule dental checkups for you and your entire family.

Your dentist in Delray Beach, Dr. George Sanchez is dedicated to healthy beautiful smiles and understands how important oral health is to overall health.

According to research, there is a direct connection between oral and overall health. In fact, people with heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease have more gum disease than people who don’t. That’s why oral hygiene is vital to teeth, gums, and the rest of your body.

Dental Checkups and Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Brushing Your Teeth

Dr. George Sanchez explains that good oral hygiene starts with education. You may have been brushing for years, but are you sure you are doing it the right way.

As a reminder, brush for two minutes twice a day. If you have problems keeping track, set a timer or play your favorite song. Do not forget to replace your toothbrush every three months or when the brush starts to fray. Also, don’t forget to brush your tongue as well.

Asking for help when it comes to oral hygiene during dental checkups is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, Dr. George and his team are always happy to give you a brush up, yes pun intended, when it comes to brushing, and the same goes for flossing during dental checkups.

Flossing is an Art Form

Most people are not flossing the right way. Your Delray Beach dentist says to use about 18 to 22 inches of floss. Wind the floss around your middle fingers, floss around each tooth with your index finger, and thumb.

Be careful not to scratch your gums when curving the floss around each tooth in a C shape. Flossing too aggressively could bruise or harm your gums. If your gums bleed when you floss, call Dr. George immediately as it could be a sign of gingivitis or the more serious periodontal disease.

Floss teeth at least once each day or more so if you have something stuck in between your teeth.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Most people forget that a healthy diet is just as important for your mouth as it is for the rest of your body. Eat a balanced diet that includes lots of fruits and veggies. Keep sugar to a minimum and drink lots of water.

Regular Dental Checkups in Delray Beach

One of the most important parts of good oral hygiene is regular dental checkups with your Delray Beach dentist.

Dr. George and his team often see signs of something more sinister during dental checkups. In fact, dentists are usually the first to spot something unusual when it comes to the early stages of oral cancer.

If you haven’t seen your Delray Beach dentist for some time, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Sanchez today.