• 845 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483,
  • Mon - Thu 8.00am - 5.00pm

A Cosmetic Dentist for a Summer Smile


Summer means showing off more skin and a fabulous smile, especially in Florida. However, if your grin is less than willing to comply when it comes to fabulous it’s time to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George Sanchez Dental understands how frustrating it can be when you look in the mirror and everything else looks great except for your teeth and gums.

A Trusting Cosmetic Dentist

If you have ever seen someone who seems to have perfect teeth but up close they aren’t so perfect this person could have had some bad dental work.

Sadly not all dentists are educated when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. In other words, perfecting veneer placement takes more than a couple of weekend seminars.

Dr. George Sanchez prides himself on continued education following science and whatever comes next in the dental word. In addition he is always keeping up with dental technology and all things dental.

Dental Technology in the 21st Century

Your smile says everything about who you are and if yours is affecting your self-esteem it is time to see a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach. For some stained teeth are the issue, for others it’s missing teeth.

Regardless of what is causing your sad smile, your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist is ready to change the way you feel about yourself, especially when it comes to turning up the corners of your mouth.

Laser with a Cosmetic Dentist

One of the most remarkable dental technologies to come about in the 21st century is laser dentistry. Laser dentistry allows your dentist in Delray Beach to treat hard and soft tissue along with bone all without direct contact.

Since the 1990s doctors have been using laser dentistry for a wide variety of issues. Each laser has its own wavelength. In other words the lasers direct what type of energy interacts with the tissue.

Your Delray Beach family dentist uses laser energized water. This replaces traditional drills for treating tooth decay. This eliminates discomfort and pain as well.

Dr. George and his team use laser dentistry for gum disease, tooth decay, root canal therapy and perimplantitis as well.

For the most modern dental technology Dr. George Dental is the best. As a dentist who loves everything dental you can only imagine what he and his team will be unveiling next.

A Cosmetic Dentist in Delray Beach

For the best in modern dental technology Dr. George can’t be beat. Schedule a no obligation consultation. This cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach is ready to help you smile.

Call or send a direct message today.




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