• 845 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483,
  • Mon - Thu 8.00am - 5.00pm

Stay Oral Cancer Free with Oral Cancer Screenings


April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month and it is National Facial Awareness Month. April gives people the opportunity to stop, take a moment, and take stock of oral health.

How Oral Cancer Awareness Month Helps

Oral cancer has a much higher survival rate, 70 to 90 percent, if it is caught in the early stages. People diagnosed with stage one and stage two will outlive the average five years given to people who suffer from oral cancer.

Comprehensive Exams Oral Cancer Screenings

Dr. George Sanchez urges people to schedule at least two dental checkups per year with one of those checkups including an oral cancer screening.

People who have been previously diagnosed with oral cancer and people who have chronic tooth decay and gum disease should schedule more frequent dental checkups and screenings for early detection and diagnosis.

During an oral cancer screening, your Delray Beach dentist checks your neck, throat, head, and lymph nodes for anything suspicious. The team may also use additional tools to detect unusual cell and tumor growth.

If any lumps, lesions, growths, patches, or sores are present; your dentist in Delray Beach will take a sample for a biopsy. The sample is sent to the lab for further investigation.

Facial Safety Awareness Month

It’s important to remind people the importance of facial protection year round, but especially during April, which is Facial Safety Awareness Month. As the weather warms up, more and more people head outdoors to play baseball and tennis.

While most people know how important mouth protectors are for group sports such as football and soccer, some forget how vital they are for individual sports as well.

Everyone Should Wear a Mouthguard

People who surf and participate in gymnastics prevent injuries when wearing custom made mouthguards. Thousands of knocked out teeth and jaw injuries and numerous trips to the ER aren’t an issue when you have a custom-made mouthguard crafted by your Delray Beach dentist and his team.

While there are three types of mouthguards, standard, boil and bite and custom, none will protect your mouth, teeth and gums like a customized one will.

Custom Made Mouthguards

Unlike the other types of mouth protectors, custom-made mouthguards in Delray Beach are made to fit your teeth and gums. Manufactured from comfortable human grade plastic you won’t even know you are wearing one. 

Take Care of Your Mouth this April

This April honor both events and schedule oral cancer screenings and custom-made mouthguard fittings for the entire family. Call and schedule your appointments with Dr. George Dental today.

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